Worst & Best Ways to Repair Your Roof [Infographic]

Many homeowners don’t think twice about their roofs getting damaged when a storm hits.
When the hails starts their first instinct is to check their vehicle that was left outside. Hail, high winds, flying debris and even snow can cause damage to your roof. Don’t skip out on getting your roof inspected by a professional, not addressing the problem now could cause future hardships for you and your family!
This infographic was created to show different ways to repair and replace your roof. The first option, DIY (Do it Yourself) saves you money, but only puts a band-aid on a much bigger problem. Hiring a handyman who could patch or even repair your roof saves you time and will last longer than the first option. However, a handyman is still not a roofing expert and will only be repairing the outdoor problem.
The third option is to hire a professional roofing company, this is one of the best choices you could make. This is the most expensive way to get your roof repaired. The final and best option would be to hire a professional storm restoration company – these companies team up with you to work directly with your insurance to protect your home while only paying your deductible!
Steve Kemper Builder is a professional roofing company that works with insurance directly. We offer free inspections to examine your roof. After this process we provide a proper estimate to your insurance adjusted so you do not get cheated into paying more out-of-pocket.